
Food Porn Friday

So as last Friday was payday Carl and I decided to indulge ourselves with some serious filth. We'd normally go on a "hot date" on a payday Friday, but when he's playing rugby the next day we can't really get away with having drinks so he doesn't have a sore head the next day (roll on the summer when I'll stop being a rugby widow!)

He decided he really wanted burgers and macaroni cheese,which I thought was a bit random at first but later discovered was pure genius. After a quick Pinterest search while ambling round Sainsburys after work, we decided to loosely base our burgers on Jamie's Insanity Burger, and found a recipe for Mac N Cheese on BBC's Good Food website. For the meat, we opted for Sainsbury's finest steak burgers which turned out to be excellent, but we were let down by the bread. There wasn't a great selection of buns. Should have gone to 'Trose for some brioche action! For the macaroni we didn't have any stale bread so just used normal dried breadcrumbs which were fine. Just make sure you opt for extra mature cheddar if you decide to make this. Think it made all the difference!

The best bit about the Jamie recipe was the 'burger sauce' which consisted of finely chopped lettuce, mayo, ketchup, Tabasco and Worcester sauce. Combined with the hefty burgers, mustard and gherkins, this sauce turned our burgers into a proper treat. Will definitely be whipping up batches of this sauce when barbecue season rolls round!

So much cheese...

Is your mouth watering yet?

That last picture is a lie. There definitely weren't any leftovers. Not that there ever are with Carl around... 

Well this has made me well and truly starving! What's your favourite burger combo? Let me know in the comments.

Kirstie xo.

1 comment:

  1. Oh-merrrrrr-gaud! This looks pretty amazing.
    Working for a bar that does burgers we debate the best way to have them and I'm a fan on a simple bacon and cheese combo! With a good burger sauce. And sweet potato fries. Mmmmm. Burgers!
